Friday, August 7, 2009

Welcome to the CYM Winnipeg 60th Anniversary Blog

Welcome to the CYM Winnipeg 60th Anniversary Blog!

The weekend of October 9-11, 2009 promises to be an exciting few days here in Winnipeg. There will be plenty of ways to celebrate our first 60 years and reminisce about your days in CYM- past, present, and (for many of you starting families) hopefully the future! Our celebrations include a wine and cheese reception, a possible golfing day, a gala banquet, and a nostalgic visit to Ukrainian Park, where we have spent many a summer and made countless life-long friends. You'll want to reserve your tickets early to ensure your participation. This is not to be missed!

*Much of this blog has now been updated with more information about the weekend, including pricing and sponsorship opportunities. Be sure to visit the links page to check out some neat information related to Ukraine and Ukrainians!*

Click here to see an itinerary of the weekend's events.

Click any of the links to the left for more information. This blog will be updated often as more and more information becomes available, so be sure to check it out regularly!

Latest Updates:

*More information about the CYM Golf Day has been posted. Click here to get all the information you need!
*The Grand Prize for Saturday Evening's banquet is two round-trip tickets anywhere West Jet flies! Don't miss your chance to win!

Questions/comments? Send us an e-mail anytime at

Вітаємо на Блог-сторінку 60-річчя Осередку СУМ у Вінніпеґу!

Вітаємо Вас на Блог-сторінку святкування 60-річчя Осередку Спілки Української Молоді (СУМ) ім. полк. УПА, О. Гасина-‘Лицаря’, у Вінніпеґу!

Урочисті святкування нашого 60-ліття запляновані на 9-11 жовтня, 2009 р. . Програма буде різноманітна і включатиме Зустріч з Вином і Сиром в п’ятницю
9-го жовтня, гру в ґолф (якщо погода позволить) і Святковий Бенкет в Інституті ‘Просвіта’ в суботу, 10- го жовтня з виступом вперше у Вінніпеґу Театрального Колективу “Спалений Театр” з Осередку СУМ ім. Миколи Павлушкова в Чікаґо. А в неділю – святочний Апель, барбек’ю і пращальна ватра в Українському Парку повинні викликати почуття носталгії і приємні спогади юних літ. Думаємо, що програма святкувань буде цікавою і дасть Вам можливість зустрінутись і поспілкуватись з бувшими друзями. Тому заохочуємо Вас вже замовляти квитки на ці небуденні імпрези і плянувати святкувати разом з нами.

Натисніть тут, щоб побачити більше інформацій про святкову програму.

Відвідуйте цей Блог зчаста за найновішими інформаціями і контактами.

Якщо маєте будь-які запити чи коментарі, вишліть нам е-мейл на адресу:

Disclaimer: Any personal information sent to CYM winnipeg, via this blog or other means, written or electronic, will not be shared publicly without one's consent.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Photo Album

Time to get nostalgic! Send us your CYM-related photos and we'll put them up here in our online photo album. E-mail your photos to


Above: CYM Dancers! Back Row: (Left to Right) Magdalena Ilyniak-Harrison, Pat Kuchar-Sasaki, Marika Melnychuk, Marika Kocaj-Nosyk, Bohdanka Zajac-Pankiw, Olga Smerechuk-Klopick. Front Row: (Left to Right) Ramona Kuchar-Wishnowski, Slavko Spivak, Marika Subchak-Stamler

Above: CYM Tabir at Ukrainian Park, 1977. Front Row: (Left to Right) Stefka Diakiw, Daria Bilowus, Natalka Lypka. Second Row: (Left to Right) Roman Demczyczak, Lesia Pizyckyj, George Pankewycz, Pat Bodnarchuk, Brenda Shulha, Myron Semegan. Back Row: (Left to Right) Bohdan Gembarsky, George Narozniak, Dmytro Dutka.

Above: CYM Tabir at Ukrainian Park, 1977.

Above: CYM Tabir at Ukrainian Park, 1977.

Above: CYM divchata are the best! Lesia Pizyckyj and Irene Pizyckyj, circa 1977.


Here is a full itinerary of all of the weekend's exciting events! Click the links within for more information on each part of our celebrations.

Friday, October 9th

Wine and Cheese Reception
7:00 p.m.
Institute Prosvita, 777 Pritchard Avenue

Saturday, October 10th

CYM Golf Day (Weather-permitting)
$40 entry fee; includes breakfast, shared cart, and 18 holes of golf!

If you are interested in siging up, please contact us!

CYM Winnipeg 60th Anniversary Banquet
Institute Prosvita
Feturing Comedy Show and Dance
Click here for a menu of the delicious food that will be served!
Tickets $75 (includes tax reciept)

Sunday, October 11th

Family Barbecue at Ukrainian Park

*To be held at Institute Prosvita, 777 Pritchard Avenue, in case of inclement weather.*

Questions/comments? Send us an e-mail anytime at


Wondering who will be attending our celebrations?

If you desire to be listed on our online guestlist, click here and send us a brief message. Include your name, and, if you you desire, your main years of participation in CYM, and we'll list you so that old friends can see you're coming!

Unable to attend? We'll miss you, but not to worry! If you like, email us a greeting for all your fellow CYM-ivtsi. Send some memories, well-wishes, or just a good old-fashoined "Hartujs'!" and we'll post it here.
Confirmed Guestlist (So Far...)

Bondarchuk, Oksana.
Diakiw, Marijka.
Dlugosh, Ariadna.
Duplak, Roman.
Holowczynsky, Ihor.
Iwanus, Jerry. 1967-1975, Tabir 2001.
Klopick, Olga.
Konowalchuk, Marusia (nee Manastyrsky).
Kosz-Duplak, Krystyna. 1979-Present (CYM Passaic New Jersey).
Kotyk, Henry.
Kulbaba, Anna (nee Semaniuk).
Lukie, Ivanna.
Marcinkow, Alia.
Marcinkow, Larysa.
McColl, Tamara. 1988-present.
Nosyk, Maria.
Palaschuk, Alexa.
Petryshyn, John.
Petryshyn, Tayisa. 1986-present.
Petryshyn, Yarko.
Pidhirnyj, Myrosia.
Pizyckyj, Lesia. 1970's.
Semaniuk, Andrij. 1991-present.
Semaniuk, Irka.
Skinkoway, Irene (nee Manastyrsky).
Stefaniuk, Mary.
Swarbrick, Maria/Marusia (nee Zajac).
Szaura, Sonia (nee Turko).
Szwlauk, Lesia.
Wolfe, Varvara (nee Romaniuk). 1961-1969.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We are very grateful to all our supporters - past, present, and future. If you would like to join our list of supporters, any financial support you could offer would be very welcomed. Our primary financial needs are :

1. Funds to defray expenses for our 60th Anniversary celebrations
2. Funds to repair, renovate, and maintain the CYM cabins at Ukrainian Park.

Every financial gift, large or small, would be greatly appreciated.

Sponsorship opporunities include:

Event Sponsor
Entertainment Sponsor
Wine Sponsor - Wine and Cheese
Wine Sponsor - Gala Banquet
Corporate Table

Contribution opportunities towards specific components of the weekend's events are also available, such as silent auction items, decorations, promotional items, equipment rental costs, etc.

Advertising space is also available inside the CYM 60th Anniversary Commemorative Booklet, in various sizes and capacities. Contact us for more information!

For a complete list of what these sponsorship opportunities involve, and what you will receive for your generosity (tax receipt, signage throughout the weekend, etc.), please email us at

Business Cards

We'd like to celebrate and take pride in your success! Send us your business card for posting on this page. Cards will be filed by surname, in alpabetical order - a great way to reconnect with old friends! Best of all, this is completely FREE to anyone who sends us a business card!

Send us an image of the card via our email address, located below.

Questions/comments? Send us an e-mail anytime at



Here are a number of useful links within our community:

CYMnet - CYM Official Website

League of Ukrainian Canadians - Sign a petition to have Stepan Bandera, former leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, recognized as a National Hero of Ukraine

InfoUkes - Information Resource about Ukraine and Ukrainians

ePoshta - Independent Ukrainian Internet News Magazine
Recently, a group of our CYM-ivtsi travelled to Ukraina to study at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraina's national university. Click here to read an interview with them!

Brama - Gateway to Ukraine

Kyiv Post - Up-to-date news from Kyiv and the rest of Ukraine

Questions/comments? Send us an e-mail anytime at

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